
To Infinity and Beyond Reviving, Restarting & Reigniting the Love for Weddings

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DWP Congress 2022 | 27th -29th September 2022 | Bali Indonesia

Fab Reviews Planners

Preston Bailey

Preston Bailey Entertainment, USA

The experience has been amazing. I think as I go, it keeps improving which I think is fantastic, and the speakers that you have are quite phenomenal. Even Dubai as a destination is great and it has a lot to offer and I feel a lot of people feel the same way.

Innayat Khubchandani

Inaaz Communique, Indonesia

Love, Love, Love!
This year it feels big, it feels huge! Loving the glitz and the glam but even though you guys have gotten bigger this year, it still feels personal. 1 word- Love, love for what we all do. We’re all doing the same thing and the love is oozing out and we’re so passionate for what we do. So over here, past two days what I felt is love.

Vandana Mohan

The Wedding Design Company, India

Thank you for having me back at DWP and I am glad this year it happened in Dubai because for this year we are focusing on Dubai and UAE as a region and it was nice that DWP came home! Everyone who is here is filtered very well and they are here for two purposes – to do business and have fun! DWP for me also is about meeting new people, exploring new arenas, finding out what everybody in the industry is doing, exchange of ideas and learn from the young!

Jean-Charles Vaneck

Sumptuous Events, France

Sumptuous Experience!
I was extremely happy to be part of the DWP Congress in Dubai. Its been an amazing experience where I had the occasion to connect with the big players in my industry. Its always good to exchange ideas with those planners and to discover new venues. For me its a great place to network and to get my name out more on the International scale.

Mahesh Shirodkar

Tamarind Global, India

The whole organization has been pretty good, the hospitality has been great. The 1-1 meetings have been pretty diverse because the kind of people who come from all over the world and it gives you a pretty wide perspective of who you can connect with.

Christina Holt

Wedding Concepts, South Africa

I have seen DWP get bigger and better every year and I absolutely love being here. The quality of the attendees that I met was very impressive. I connected with a lot of the international five star brands who I had not met before. And also this year we got to witness the larger than life Dubai and got to see all the glitz and glamour it stands for so it has been great!

Devika Narain

Devika Narain & Company, India

This is my first DWP and it has been overwhelming. I have loved the way DWP has retold the Emirati story here. I truly love the vibe of Dubai how it is a lovely combination of modern & traditional and you highlighted that really well. We are all living in our own little world and a platform like DWP is truly a melting pot where we can all meet and discuss ideas, thoughts and concerns with each other and it is wonderful.

Fabrice Orlando

Cocoon Events, Morocco

Thank you for having me! I am so happy that I am here because I met unbelievable people and new talents and new partners for my business so it is a very unique experience. It is a very unique platform where for 3 days we can focus on business together. The level of the crowd is just wow! People during the evening functions are all smiling, dancing & networking so as long as planners are smiling you know you have done a good job because we are very critical people who are difficult to please.

To Infinity and Beyond Reviving, Restarting & Reigniting the Love for Weddings

Fab Reviews Sponsors

It has been fabulous. These two days been absolutely amazing. It has been so fruitful and all the meetings & networking, it has been an amazing experience. And more so we love the whole Arab culture and the way you promoted the destination itself has been absolutely amazing from A-Z, from the food, from the music, from the shows, from the attendees, from the speakers – all has showcased Dubai so well and we are very happy about it.



This is my first time at DWP. I have attended several conferences before, but this has been the most international experience I have had with the wedding industry. It has been great to meet really high quality planners and vendors from every corner of the globe here in Dubai which Oh My God is opulence!! Dubai is next level in terms of intensity in the wedding industry. It has been really fun to see the caliber of planners that are working here, the kind of money that is being spent on weddings here, and the destination has become what it has in the last 10 years, so it is exciting to be here and experience it.

Four Seasons Resort Lanai,


Weddings, Weddings, Weddings!
I was very excited to hear that DWP is happening in Dubai as Middle East is a very big market for us. Good sessions, great appointments and as usual great evening functions so it was a pleasure being here and I am looking forward for next year. You have great speakers every year and it gives us the opportunity to meet them, spend time with them and be close to them.

Mandarin Oriental Bodrum,


It is always amazing. I get to meet new people, new collaborators and it is an enriching experience. It is necessary to have such forums as DWP and I am always happy to be a part of this platform. Everything is very well planned and executed. DWP brings you close to industry stalwarts. You can learn from them, exchange ideas and discuss challenges. So if you are serious about wedding planning & the wedding industry then DWP is your go-to forum.

Tehiya Narvel Events,


It has been very enlightening for me. I found it very insightful because I made a lot of connections with wedding planners that I would have never met probably unless they came to the property.

Bulgari Resort Bali,


Creative & Fabulous!
This is our 4th year at DWP and it just keeps getting better. UAE in general is an amazing destination because it has it all – deserts, beaches and everything, and Dubai specifically is an awesome destination for any event. For us as hoteliers, DWP is a starting point to build relationships & connections. You make everyone special.

Zaya Nurai Island,

United Arab Emirates

It has just impressed me for my lifetime. Thank you for this opportunity. This is our first time at the DWP conference and whatever we had heard about from everywhere, it has definitely exceeded our expectations. So we really loved being a part of it.

Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts

The high level of registrants and the networking at this level, I don’t think there is any other global Congress that offers this kind of opportunity. The background of the people are so varied it is great! I have really enjoyed every aspect.

Bahamas Ministry of Tourism,
